Wednesday, January 13, 2010


What type of file can be modified in Flash CS3? (just list the file ending)
In flash design.
What is the national standard for American television video broadcast?
What part of the Flash interface displays the movie you are working on?
The stage displays the movie you are working on.

What is the gray area surrounding the Stage in Flash CS3?
The work area.
What is the magnetic pull of objects to a grid? (this grid can be turned on/off)
Objects snaps to the grid set up by flash.
What is the default frame rate for Web playback in Flash CS3?
12 fps.
What is exporting your final Flash CS3 file called?
Designing for the Web is normally measured in what unit of measure? Pixels.

What are palettes in Flash CS3 called? Palettes are called panels.

Monday, January 11, 2010


1)the anthena in the car.

2)the poster on the tree.

3)the coat is different.

4)the kids hat is different.

5)the bus stop is different.

How would this activity help you as an HTML programmer? Because it helps you to look for hidden errors.

How many differences did you discover? 5 differences.

Do you see these differences once they were pointed out to you? no i saw the differences by myself

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


1)the plant is gone
2)the sweatre is not dirty
3)the kids hat
4)the bird house outside is gone
5)the thing that man is holding is gone
6)the womans arm is different

1)How would this activity help you as an HTML programmer? I think this activity can help me because I can learn stuff like looking for errors.

2)How many differences did you discover? I found 5 differences.

3)Do you see these differences once they were pointed out to you? yeah its easier once someone shows you the answers.

4)Discuss what you can do to write better code in the future.
To do better in the future I think i should open my head a little bit more and try to examinate the whole picture.