Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NASA Space Exploration

The first mission is about creating a web site for NASA , we are supposed to Inspire other students to reach for the stars by becoming certified flight controllers!
In mission 2 we have to communicate how the international space station benefits all people.

Mission that you are working on: mission 1Header for the Homepage of your NASA website: a space shipHeader for each additional page of the website: The nasa logoTitle for each page NASA training, thor controller, ASTRO, international space station. filename (include file ending):
Title for each page
filename (include file ending)Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing? Peoplewould be interested because we are gonna make a fun website, which means we're gonna have a lot of interesting stuff, and the website will have cool designs so that people dont get bored.Who are the possible customers for the site? I think teenagers will probably visit the web site because we are teenagers and we know what we like!How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants? i think we need 5 pages.

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